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Saturday 7 May 2011

Brisbane Printing

So your having a hard time choosing a printer in Brisbane?

Finding that printer that we all dream about, you know the one, you phone them up and request them to print some business cards and flyers, wait a few days then go and pick them up and they are perfect, yeah that printer. Well If your like me you know it doesn’t always go as planned and often hurts the wallet.

I don’t know about your area but I'm from Brisbane and I have had many issues while trying to find a Brisbane printing firm that works for me. That is not over priced and has great quality.

So after a lot of trial and error sifting through my local Brisbane printing business’s I have found there are a few rules that can be applied to keep you out of harms way when choosing a printer.

These points apply mainly to Brisbane print but I cant see why they wouldn’t work in your town or city too:

1.    Ok I don’t know how long I ignored this obvious rule but I tell you its not one to be ignored. So simple but we don’t always use it and that is word of mouth. With Brisbane printing once I asked someone I thought might know about print media I was half way there.

2.    Use online resources to check up on the print firm you might use. There are so many web 2.0 and forums out there these days that you can usually find out a lot with a quick scan of the internet. This worked for me with Brisbane print.

3.    You need to know what format you are going to be printing in. most printers in Brisbane only print one of the two formats , digital printing for smaller jobs and offset printing for larger jobs. Work out if you printing job is large or small and select a printer that does that kind of printing.

4.    Check out their clients. Maybe you can use their website to check out their clients, most of the time they have that information on there and this can be a life saver.

These points may seem to some to be common knowledge, I know they did to me but even though I knew I didn’t apply them when I was looking for a Brisbane printing firm. And because of this I was let down on many occasions.

So what do you do if you cant find any information on a printing firm and you don’t know anyone to inform you of their quality?
Here are a couple more things to take into consideration when making your choice. They have helped me in Brisbane and I'm sure will help you too.

•    In your communication with the printer are they polite to you, you need to know they are there to help you not just take your money.

•    Try to get an example printed before you go ahead with the entire job, this alone has helped me a lot with Brisbane printing.

•    Sometimes they wont print off an example of your job so in this case ask to see another example of something printed similar, e.g  printed flyers.

•    Don’t screw yourself by going for just the cheapest printer on the block. With Brisbane printers this has been disastrous for me and probably will be for you as well.

After saying all that I hope you have luck in your printing ventures, these rules have helped me with Brisbane printing I hope they help you with your print media too. And oh remember just to double your selecting process there are a lot of online printers these days, I have dabbled with these as well with mixed results. Good luck.

Cheap Printing Services

Friday 6 May 2011

Sydney Printing

Printing Services Sydney
Sydney has a lot of printing services to say the least. In fact there are well over a hundred Sydney printing services to choose from and this can sometimes be not only a time consuming task trying to sift through and work out which one is best for you but also a costly affair if you are to choose the wrong one.
Your best bet choosing a Sydney printing company is the age old word of mouth, there is nothing more confidence building then someone telling you that they know that the Sydney printing company they use has never done them wrong.
If you haven’t had anyone telling you of a great Sydney printing company then you best bet is look for reviews and forum feeds on whatever company you are planning to go with before you actually make an order, trust me this is worth the time.
As well as the local Sydney printing companies something you might want to consider are some of the online printing services that are available these days. These companies have come a long way in recent years and just as good as the price is the quality. So when you’re trying to work out what Sydney printing company you will use for your printing remember to check the online companies as well.
In addition to this a lot of the Sydney printing companies also have their own websites where you can browse printed products and prices, this will give you a better idea of what that particular Sydney printing company provides.
Good luck in your travels and I hope you find the right service for you.

Printing Melbourne

So you’re in Melbourne and you need to find a Melbourne printing company that will do the best job at the best price. This is often not as easy as one might think and sometimes can end in tears as has done many times for people I know.
So what do you do? How to over come the Melbourne printing hurdle and try to not get ripped off.  I’m not going to name any companies in particular bad or good I’m just going to try and guide you in your decision making by giving you a check list of things to do to choose the best Melbourne printing company.

1.       Try to get a word of mouth confirmation on your selected company
2.       Read reviews and try to see what other people say
3.       Use forums to find out if there is anything negative about your Melbourne printing company
4.       Ask if they are willing to show you a sample of the final product before you go ahead with the full job. Sometimes this might cost a small amount but its definitely worth it.
5.       Don’t just go for the cheapest even though this is the obvious choice, not all the time but more often the cheapest is actually a cheaper product.
6.       If they can’t show you an example of your job before you continue with the entire job then ask to see a sample of other prints of the same product.
At the end of the day there is still an element of luck to your choice when choosing a Melbourne printing company, or any printing company in fact. Another thing to take into consideration are online printing companies. There are a lot of these as well so be wary and research first.

Here is one you can try cheap printing services

Thursday 5 May 2011

Printed Fabric Banners

Let’s talk banners, now printed fabric banners can serve a lot of different uses some of which need the printed banner to function others just need the banner to look great. I’m going to be talking now just about advertising banners. That is banners that serve a function and need to do more than just look great. Let’s start with a few questions about your printed fabric banner:
1.       How large is your printed fabric banner going to be? Banners can range from smallish to very large. If your printed banner is going to be on the large side make sure your images can stretch that large, there’s nothing worse than a pixilated printed banner.
2.       What is the primary information your banner needs to convey if any? If your printed banner has content that needs to be noticed make sure it’s of a size that makes this possible.  There is no point printing a huge banner and putting the message it was meant to convey down in the corner.
3.       How far away from the printed banner will people be when they are viewing it? Maybe your flyer is for inside a shop where customers will be rather close to the printed fabric banner when reading they are reading it or maybe your banner will be outside and up high. Either way take this into consideration from the start with your flyer so once again people can actually read the elements you need them to.
Last but not least let’s talk about the look and feel. You might have colours scheme or you may have one huge image that will be the background, either way try to remember what scale the image will be after it is printed and also how close people will be to it, if people are far away you might want to use those colours that bounce out at you to grab their attention and visa versa. In the end print out a small copy to try and get an idea of what it will feel like when it is printed out in full, a smaller copy might not give you the scale but just seeing it off the screen makes a difference a lot of the time.

Cheap Printing

Printed Flyer Design

So your thinking about making a flyer, that’s great but let’s go through a few things that might help you get what you want our of your printed flyer. Now some of the things I will cover will apply to some of your printed flyers and some of the things won’t, it’s up to you to think about your own flyer and deduct what applies and what doesn’t.  Now there is only one thing worse than seeing a great looking printed flyer that doesn’t serve its purpose well enough to function and that’s seeing and ugly printed flyer that also doesn’t serve its function. What I’m saying is there are two primary elements that both need to work in synergy when it comes to printed flyers. One is the design and when I say design I mean the look and feel of your printed flyer and the other is its functional elements, such as dates, times, names and other info. Now a flyer has to grab people, I mean who would design a flyer with the sole aim of people looking past it, no one I don’t think. So you need your flyer to grab people, you want it to grab and hold them long enough they can take in some of the information on the flyer if not all of it.

Now let’s go through some of the elements you may need on your printed flyer depending on your aim and its purpose:
1.       What is the primary information you need people to see at a glance when they look at your printed flyer?  This may sound simple but a lot of people think of the information aspect of their flyer after they have already started laying the flyer out and this can mean things get crammed and jammed in.
2.       Will your flyer need an area that can be written on? E.g Gig dates or other info. It’s important to work around this and not try to place last as once again you might find you have no room for this element after you have already mocked the flyer up.
3.       How far away from the flyer will people be when they are viewing it? Some flyers are designed to be hand held while other flyers are for walls. It’s important to take this into consideration from the start so you have an idea of what size fonts should be to be as effective as possible.
4.       Is your flyer black & white or colour? A colour flyer is for the most part a lot easier to get a hard hitting flyer while a black and white flyer needs more consideration most of the time, not always. If your flyer is black and white be sure to check that your fonts done get lost in the back ground image, this happens on black and white flyers more often then colour flyers.
5.       What size is your flyer? Depending on whether your flyer is designed for hand held or wall you will need to work out what size it needs to be, this may seem obvious but if you are having a hard time fitting all your content in on the size you have selected then consider moving up to a larger flyer as its better to have a nice balanced flyer then a crammed one.

Online Flyer Printing

Designing The Right Business Card

When thinking about which direction you should go with your printed business card design there are a few things to take into consideration about your business card before you rush in and start laying the card out. One thing I see a lot is a lot of people get lost in the actual design of the business card before they have thought about what they need the card to function as. This is fine if all you need is a business card that looks great and a lot of the time a business card like this will function just fine but there are a lot of times where pretty alone isn’t functional and the aim is to get both, a great looking business card that also serves all the tasks you might need it to. Some functions to take into consideration that might or might not apply to your particular business card are:
1.       What is the most important information you need people to be able to easily see on your business card. E.g your phone number, your email or your address. Work out what it is and make sure you work down from that element being in the forefront.
2.       Will you want to be able to write on the card? Maybe to be able to jot down appointments for clients or any other details you might want individual clients to have that you can’t just print.
3.       Are you paying for a double sided printed business card or single sided. If its double you have more freedom but maybe you want to save on money and just print one side. If so remember this from the start and try to limit the amount of information you place on that one side. Remember a cluttered design not only looks bad but makes your business card harder to decipher and this is an obstruction for your customer.
Now let’s get into the design side of the printed business card. I see so often someone goes and gets a business card printed that really doesn’t look anything like their standard branding or business colours, this only works against you. The business card you get printed needs to reflect all your other branding , e.g your website, your logo and your business colours, if your business doesn’t have a colour scheme then maybe it’s time to think about implementing one if your business suits that kind of regime.
The finish of your business card is also something to take into consideration, matte finishes also known as silk finishes give a sophisticated feel to your business card that suite some companies and don’t suit others. Gloss finish business cards just like matte or silk card suit only some companies and it’s up to you to work out where your company sits and what business card finish is best for you.
Finally the size of your business card, this is not as important as the other topics we have covered but none the less something to take into consideration all the same. The different dimensions of business cards are rather similar, this is due to the fact that they must fit into a wallet or purse so they can’t be too big or too small but you will find some business cards are slimmer than others and this is a nice dimension for a sophisticated card especially if you finish it in matte but once again this is something you need to work out for your company individually.

If you have an endless budget then you might want to consider some of the other options for printed business cards that really turn heads and serve to make people remember your company that bit more.
1.       Metallic finish business cards- these are impressive and don’t cost that much more than regular business cards.
2.       Die cut business cards – these look great and you can do some really creative things with the design when you have control of the shape.
3.       Sticker business cards - I have seen this quite often and is another gimmick that works well and you know where ever they stick it, it will stay and double up as advertising.
4.       Magnet business cards- small magnet business cards are great for businesses like plumbers etc where you want your ad on the client’s fridge.
5.       CD-ROM business cards - If you have anything multimedia that you would like a client to take with them these are great and surprisingly not as expensive as one would think. Once again a great gimmick that also serves a great function.

Online Printed Business Cards